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dinner siyum 2024

In keeping with Rinat's dedication to limmud haTorah, every year we learn as a community and a siyum is made at our Annual Dinner. This year, our learning will be dedicated for the zechut of the hostages and in memory of the Tzaddikim who were killed Al Kiddush Hashem. Please help make our Annual Dinner a seudat mitzvah and take a minute to sign up to learn for this year's siyum on Chamisha Chumshei Torah. You can sign up even if you will not be attending the dinner or have registered for the dinner already by completeing the form below.

Learning should be completed before the dinner (Saturday night, Feb 24th, but you are welcome and encouraged to sign up even if you will not be able to attend! Tizku l'mitzvot!


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784