Yom Kippur Appeal
Please give generously to the 5785 Yom Kippur Appeal, by clicking here. We’re hoping for 100% participation. As our facilities utilization, membership, programming, utilities, operational, security and maintenance needs increase, so do our costs. We rely on your financial support in order to continue to serve our community.
Ezrah Cares
This Elul, join us in helping Bergen County families bridge the gap.
1 in 8 Bergen County families depend on Project Ezrah to get to stability. Your support will make a real difference to our neighbors that need it.
Donate today and show that we care for our community, and we all know financial stability can change in any moment. Donate by clicking here.
Gabbai Cards
In planning for the upcoming Yamim Noraim, new gabbai cards are being prepared. Below, please find the link to an updated version created, based on the information currently in our database. If any edits are required, please e-mail gabbaicards@rinat.org no later than Monday, September 23rd. To view the Gabbai cards, click here. (This is for Full Members only)
Nerot Pre-Rosh Hashana Honey Sale—Order gourmet honey for Senter's Honey Bee Farm. Quantities limited! Order by Wednesday, September 18th. Pickup on Sunday, September 29th, 9am-2pm at 276 Warwick Ave. To place an order, click here. Questions? email, nerot@rinat.org.
Women’s Chumash B’Iyun Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler will not be meeting Wednesday, September 18th and will resume Wednesday, September 25th.
Community Knits at Rinat—Wednesday, September 18th, 7:30pm. Classroom D/E.
Rabbi Effy Unterman's Chabura—Wednesday, September 18th, 8:30pm. To sponsor, click here. Back of Beit Midrash or Zoom by clicking here.
Parsha Thoughts with Rabbi Wiener—Thursday, September 19th, 1pm. Sponsored by Leah & Jonathan Adler and family in memory of Leah’s beloved mother, Rachel Balsam, רחל בת דוד וחנה, z”l, may the learning serve as an aliyah for her neshama. For up to date information on this shiur, join the WhatsApp group by clicking here. To sponsor, click here. Zoom by clicking here.
***NEW***Shiurim on Choshen Mishpat Topics based on the Teachings of Rav Asher Weiss Shlita with Rabbi Wiener—Thursday, September 19th, 9pm. Zoom by clicking here.
Shailot uTshuvot Shiur—Elie Berman—Shabbat, September 21st, 10:30am. To sponsor, click here. Beit Midrash.
The Iyun Shiur between Mincha and Maariv will not be meeting this week to allow participation in the Tzarich Iyun program.
Tzarich Iyun - Motzei Shabbat, September 21st, 5pm. Torah Discussions on Challenging Issues: "Paths to Kedusha/Spirituality". To register, click here. Social Hall.
Parent/Child Learning with Rabbi Gerson—Shabbat, September 21st, 5:30pm. To sponsor, click here. Beit Midrash.
Volunteer to help maintain Parent-Child Learning! For more details email dmeier328@gmail.com or president@rinat.org.
Melaveh Malka & Kumzitz—Motzei Shabbat, September 21st, 8:30pm. Join us for Rinat ruach, singing and words of inspiration. Light refreshments will be served. Music led by Rinat Members Dan Bloom, Ari Levine and Shy Krug. Registration appreciated at, To register, click here.
Rabbi Michael Rosensweig—Sunday, September 22nd, 8:45pm. “The Role of Mikdash and Gevulin in the Mitzvah of Daled Minim.” Sponsored by Marilyn & Joseph Bench in commemoration of the 12th yahrzeit of Marilyn's beloved mother, Lea bat Moshe Arye, z”l, on Elul 20 and the 27th yahrzeit of Joseph's beloved mother Rachel bat Harav Shlomo Yekutiel Zalman, z”l, on Elul 21. Beit Midrash or Zoom by clicking here.
Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler—Tuesday, September 24th, 1pm. We will be reviewing articles from Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought. September 24th’s article: “Rambam of Brisk: R. Hayyim Soloveitchik’s Relationship with Mishneh Torah” by Elisha Friedman. To join the WhatsApp group, click here. For source materials, click here. Classroom D/E.
Davening 101 with Rabbi Strauchler—Tuesday, September 24th, 8pm. For more information and to register, click here. Classroom D/E.
Nerot’s Pre-Rosh Hashana Pop Up Boutique—September 25th, 7-9pm. Located at the home of Susan & Michael Richmond, 280 Ogden Ave.
For our quickest method of receiving important community updates, join our WhatsApp group by clicking here.