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Source Materials

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, July 30th, 1pm. "Spreading Wealth Through Convenantal Capitalism'" by Michael Eisenberg. click here

Murray Sragow - Shabbat, July 27th, 6:40pm. "Avinu Malkeinu After October 7" click here

Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz - Shabbat, July 20th, 6:50pm - "Words of Comfort Amidst Tragedy"  click here

Parsha HaShavua Shiur - Rabbi Jeremy Wieder - Thursday, July 18th, 8:30pm. "Eisav and Bilaam  through the lens of the Torah and Midrash" click here

Rabbi Wiener - Shabbat, July 13th, between Mincha and Maariv. "Principles from Parshat Chukat: Justification for Permitting Entry of the Kohanim into Hospitals." click here

Dr. Stephen Glicksman - Shabbat, July 13th, 6:55pm. "Preparing for the Three Weeks: How can Judaism command us to remember things we did not experience ourselves?" click here

Yonatan Kurz - Shabbat, July 6th, 6:55pm. "The Current and the Tide: Analyzing Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's Pedagogical Curriculum in an Era of Modernity" click here

Scholar in Residence: Rav Shai Finkelstein - Shabbat, June 29th, between Mincha and Maariv. "תדיר ומקודש מי קודם? Frequent Offering vs Offering of a Greater Sanctity-A Question of Halacha and Hashkafaclick here

Scholar in Residence: Rav Shai Finkelstein - Shabbat, June 29th, 6:55pm. "Risking your Life for Others-From the Tanach to the 21st Century" click here

Scholar in Residence: Parshat HaShavua Shiur - Rav Shai Finkelstein - Thursday, June 27th, 8:30pm. "The Story of the Spies-What Went Wrong?" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, June 25th, 1pm. "Materialism and the Rise of 'Modern Orthodoxy'" by Chaim Saiman and Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt. click here

Rav Yitzchak Etshalom - Shabbat, June 22nd, 6:55pm. "רעואלת יתרו וחובב: How Many Men Were There In Tzippora's Family?" click here

Tikkun Liel Shavuot - Rabbi Wiener - Shavuot, June 12th, 12:45am. "Mishna Yomit Sotah: The Exempton of the Faint-Hearted from Battle" click here

Rabbi Menachem Liebtag - Sunday, June 9th, following the 6:45pm Mincha. In preperation for Shavuot. "Sefirat Ha'Omer, Shabbat, and the Shmot/Devarim Dibrot Discrepancy" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, June 4th, 1pm. "The Religious Perils of Materialism" by Jeremy Wieder. click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Thursday, May 23rd, 9pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Scholar in Residence: Avi Helfand - Shabbat, May 18th, between Mincha and Maariv. “The Yeshiva Education Controversy: Is There a Constitutional Right to Not Educate Your Child?” click here

Scholar in Residence: Avi Helfand - Shabbat, May 18th, Pre-Mincha Shiur, 6:35pm. “YU Pride v. YU: How It Works and What It Means” click here

Scholar in Residence: Avi Helfand - Shabbat, May 18th, following the 9am Minyan. “Using the Law to Fight Campus Antisemitism: The Looming Fight Over Title VI” click here

Scholar in Residence: Avi Helfand - Shabbat, Pre-Mincha Shiur, 9am. “YU Pride v. YU: How It Works and What It Means” click here

Scholar in Residence: Avi Helfand - Friday, May 17th, dinner following the 7pm Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat. “Combatting Religious Discrimination in Government Funding: Where We’ve Been and Where We're Headed” click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, May 13th, 9pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Ron Ennis - Shabbat, May 11th, 6:30pm. "Science and Torah in the Eyes of the Maharal, Remah and Rambam: The Nexus of Knowledge, Uncertainty and Belief" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, May 7th, 1pm. "The Need for Tradition: The Editor's Introduction to a New Journal" by Norman Lamm. click here 

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, May 6th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Shmuel Afek - Shabbat, May 4th, 6:20pm. "Is De-assimilation Possible? The Case of the Polish Jewish Community." click here 

Rabbi Gedalyah Berger - 1st Day of Pesach, Tuesday, April 23rd, 6:10pm. "A Machlokes to End All Machkokes: The Mysterous Splitting of Hallel at the Seder" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, April 15th, 8:15pm. Pre-Pesach Shiur "Why no Matza on Erev Pesach? Unbridled Enthusiasm for Crunch Time" click here

Yoetzet Halacha Dr. Nechama Price - Shabbat, April 13th, 6pm. "Cup of Eliyahu, Chair of Eliyahu: Why Do We Invite Eliyahu to our Celebrations?" click here

Leeber Cohen - Shabbat, April 6th, 5:50pm. "Using Archeology to Illuminate Tanach" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, April 2nd, 1pm. "Of War, Hostages, Jewish Law and Philosophy" by Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman. click here 

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, April 1st, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Rabbi Reuven Taragin - Sunday, March 31st, 8:45am. Book Launch and Shiur. click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, March 25th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, March 19th, 1pm. "War Reflections" by Hillel Goldberg, Alex S. Ozar, Bacol Serlui, Chaim Strauchler and Jeffrey Saks. click here 

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, March 18th, 8:15pm. Pre-Purim Shiur "The Controversial Fast of Ta'anit Esther - History and Lomdus" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, March 12th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Parshat HaShavua Shiur - Dr. Nathan Light - Thursday, March 7th, 8:30pm. "Chiasm, Cloud, and Chronology: Does Shabbat Precede the Mishkan?" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, February 26th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Rabbi Chayim Gerson - Shabbat, February 24th, between Mincha and Maariv. “וקדשתו”: Our Role in Honoring כהנים, and If The כהנים Have Any Say In It” click here

Rabbi Wiener's Topics in the Weekly Daf Yomi - Wednesday, February 21st, 8pm. click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, February 19th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Parshat HaShavua Shiur - Terry Novetsky - Thursday, February 15th, 8:30pm. "The Aron" click here

Women's Chumash B'Iyn Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler - Wednesday, February 14th, 12:30pm. click here

Rabbi Wiener's Topics in the Weekly Daf Yomi - Wednesday, February 7th, 8pm. click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, February 5th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Parshat HaShavua Shiur - Rabbi Jeremy Wieder - Thursday, February 1st, 8:30pm. “אחת דבר א-לקים שתים זו שמעתי: The Differences Between the Two Sets of Ten Commandments” click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, January 29th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, January 16th, 12pm. "In Praise of Esau: Between Rashi's Commentaries to Torah and Nakh" by Lisa Fredman. click here 

Parshat HaShavua Shiur - Dr. Nathan Light - Thursday, January 11th, 8:30pm. "The Ten Plagues: Supernatural or Just Natural?" click here

Making Sense of Divine Providence with Rabbi Wiener - Friday, December 29th, 8-8:45pm. click here

Rabbi Wiener's Topics in the Weekly Daf Yomi - Wednesday, December 27th, 8pm. click here

GPATS Shabbat - Devorah Silberstein - Shabbat, December 16th, between Mincha and Maariv. "From Fasting to Feasting- a halachic exploration of the fast - and future festival of Asara b'Teves" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, December 11th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Rabbi Hayyim Angel - Tuesday, December 5th, 8:15pm. "Who Wrote Sefer Tehillim? Controversy and Confusion Regarding Authorship" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, December 5th, 12pm. "The Ideology of Hesder" by Aharon Lichtenstein. click here "Looking Backward: The Ideology of Hesder Today" by Yossef Slotnik. click here "Looking backward: The Ideology of Hesder Revisited" by Yair Kahn. click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday,December 5th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, November 27th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Parshat HaShavua Shiur - Rabbi Yaakov Blau - Thursday, November 16th, 8:30pm. "Shem V'aver are Everywhere or are They?" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, November 13th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Mishna and Renewal: A Morning of Reminiscences of Rifka Rosenwein, a'h - Sunday, November 5th, 9am-12pm. Rabbi David Silber click here, Miriam Lichtenberg click here

Rabbi Wiener's Topics in the Weekly Daf Yomi - Wednesday, November 1st, 8pm. click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, October 30th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Rabbi Wiener's Topics in the Weekly Daf Yomi - Wednesday, October 25th, 8pm. click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, October 23rd, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Miriam Gedwiser - Shabbat, October 21st, 4:30pm. "Sedom and its Discontents: How the Rabbis Read the Wicked City" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, October 16th, 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Daniella Rifkind - Women's Simchat Torah Shiur - Sunday, October 8th, 9:30am. “אַיֶּֽכָּה” - Investigating Divine Inquiries Simchat Torah Day after Hakafot click here

Rabbi Neil Lauer - 2nd Day of Sukkot, Sunday, October 1st, 5:05pm. "The Ultimate Holiday Destination? Spending Sukkot in Sukkot in Sukkot" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, September 18th 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, September 11th 8:15pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Rabbanit Sally Mayer - Shabbat, September 9th, 5:40pm. "Embracing Empathy: Seeing Trhough Chana's Eyes" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, September 5th, 12pm. "Rabbi Lamm's Resilient Response to the Yom Kippur War" by Tzvi Sinensky. click here

Neti Penstein - Shabbat, September 2nd, 5:50pm. "The Significance of Viduy Ma'aser" click here

Rabbi Alec Goldstein - Shabbat, August 19th, 6pm. "Sin, Repentance & Human Nature" click here

Parshat Hashavua Shiur - Rabbi Chaim Metzger - Thursday, August 17th, 8:30pm. "Lecha Dodi - Comforting Us for the Churban" click here

Esther Shulkes - Shabbat, August 12th, 6:25pm. "G-d's Crash Course in Teshuva" click here

Women's Summer Series with Rabbi Wiener - Shabbat, August 12th, 5:30pm. "The Hidden Beauty and Wisdom of the Shabbat Zemirot" click here

Parshat Hashavua Shiur - Rabbi Wiener - Thursday, August 10th, 8:30pm. "Jewish Grieving" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, August 8th, 12pm. "Towards the meaning of the Yom Kippur War" by Rav Yehuda Amital, z'l. click here "Faith, Responsibility, and Suffering: Rav Amital's Response to the Yom Kippur War" by Yehuda Mirsky. click here

Women's Summer Series with Rabbi Wiener - Shabbat, August 5th, 5:30pm. "The Hidden Beauty and Wisdom of the Shabbat Zemirot" click here

Hillel Adler - Shabbat, July 29th, 6:40pm. "Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Halacha - Can a Robot Count Towards a Minyan?" click here

Dr. Ari Mermelstein - Tisha B'Av, Thursday, July 27th, 6:35pm. "'Masada will Never Fall': Ancient and Modern Accounts of the End of the Rebellion Against Rome" click here

Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz - Shabbat, July 22nd, 6:45pm. "The Koblenz Massacre of 1265: A Historical and Halakhic Analysis" click here

Lunch and Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, July 18th, 12pm. click here

Rabbi Josh Kaufman - Shabbat, July 15th, 6:50pm. "Pushing the Borders of Eretz Yisrael: The Halachik Status of Transjordan" click here

Parshat Hashavua Shiur - Rabbi Efy Unterman - Thursday, July 13th, 8:30pm. "Tortuous Paths - Multivalence in the Talmud" click here

Dr. Shaina Trapedo - Shabbat, July 8th, 6:55pm. "King Lear and the Daughters of Tzelofchad" click here

Rav Ari Shvat (Chwat) - Tuesday, July 4th, 8:45am. "The Hasmonean Dynasty as Halachic Precedent for Israel Today" click here

Yossi Prager - Shabbat, July 1st, 6:55pm. "Depersonalized Tzedakah: The Pros and Cons of Tzedakah Organizations" click here

Women's Summer Series with Rabbi Wiener - Shabbat, July 1st, 5:30pm. "The Hidden Beauty and Wisdom of the Shabbat Zemirot" click here

Rabbi Shai Finkelstein - Shabbat, June 24th, Between Mincha and Maariv. "The Exemption of the Onen from Mitzvot- A Comparative Study Between the Bavli & Yerushalmi" click here

Rabbi Shai Finkelstein - Shabbat, June 24th, 5:55pm. "Rabbis' Dilemmas: Halacha vs Modernity" click here

Parshat Hashavua Shiur - Rabbi Shai Finkelstein - Thursday, June 22nd, 8:30pm. "Jewish Politics and the Battle for Favorable Public Opinion." click here

Lunch & Discussion with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, June 20th, 12pm. click here

Yoetzet Halacha Ellin Cooper - Shabbat, June 10th, 6:50pm. "Mechitza: Investigating the Divide" click here

Women's Summer Series with Rabbi Wiener - Shabbat, June 10th, 5:30pm. "The Hidden Beauty and Wisdom of the Shabbat Zemirot" click here

Breakfast and Learn with Rabbi Strauchler - Tuesday, June 6th, 9am. click here

Dr. Shay Pilnik - Sunday, June 4th, 8:45am. "Art As Witness: The Work and Remarkable Survival Story of Esther Lurie" click here

Yoetzet Halacha Nechama Price - Shabbat, June 3rd, 6:50pm. "Matchmaker Matchmaker Make Me a Match: Arranged Marriages by Chazal" click here

Shavuot - Rabbi Jeremy Wieder - Shabbat, May 27th, 7pm. "Torah miSinai: What must an Orthodox Jew Believe?" click here

Shavuot - Yoetzet Halacha Rivka Alter - Shabbat, May 27th, 6pm. "Jewish Leadership in Neviim Rishonim: United or Divide" click here

Tikkun Leil Shavuot - Aaron Brooks - Shavuot May 25th, 3:45am. "The Unbroken Link to Moshe Rabbeinu: What the 16th Century Semicha Controversy teaches us about the Mesorah" click here

Tikkun Leil Shavuot - Nathan Light - Shavuot May 25th, 2:45am. "How נעשה ונשמע "we will do and we will hear" led to the Golden Calf" click here

Tikkun Leil Shavuot - Rabbi Ezra Wiener - Shavuot, May 25th, 12:45am. "An Analysis of the Prohibition Against Bearing a Grudgeclick here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, May 22nd 8:30pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag - Sunday, May 21st, 9:15am. Matan Tora - 1 Day, 3 Days, 40 Days or 1 Year? Re-examining when the 'Torah was Given' vs. 'How the Torah is Written. click here

Rabbi Ezra Wiener - Shabbat, May 20th, 6:35pm. "Residence in Israel: Navigating the Bayit and the Shalom Bayit" click here

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier - Monday, May 15th 8:30pm. "Gemara B'Iyun Shiur on Maseches Bava Kamma" click here

Parshat Hashavua Shiur - Rabbi Michael Taubes - Thursday, May 11th, 8:30pm. "How Relevent are the Reasons for the Mitzvos?" click here

Rabbi Wiener's Topics in the Weekly Daf Yomi - Wednesday, May 10th, 8:15pm. click here

Parsha Hashavua Shiur - Dr. Nathan Light - Thursday, May 4th, 8:30pm. "Tefilah in Tanakh: Israel's Chosen Status and the Friday Night Kiddush Controversy." - click here

Rabbi Moshe Taragin - Sunday, April 23rd, 8:45pm. "Rav Lichtenstein's View of Religious Humanism." - click here

Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier- Monday, April 17th, 8pm. "The Halakhic Status of Yom HaAtzmaut." - click here

Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter- Sunday, April 16th, 7:30pm. "Reckonings" - click here

Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Kanarfogel- Wednesday, April 12th, 6:15pm. "The Ashkenazic Compiler of our Tosafot to Massekhet Berakhot: Real or Imagined?" - click here

Rabbi Noach Goldstein- Shabbat, April 8th, 5:55pm. "Second Chance or New Opportunity: Understanding the Pesach Sheni." - click here

Rabbi Seth Schmulowitz- Thursday, April 6th, 6:10pm. "A Penny for your Thoughts" The Role of Kavanah in Mitzvos." - click here

Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter- Sunday, April 2nd, 7:45pm. "Seeking Redemption on the Holiday of Redemption: Reflections on the Tenth Yahrzeit of Rabbi Herchel Schacter, z'l." - click here

Parsha Hashavua Shiur- Thursday, March 2nd, 8:30pm. Rabbi Yaakov Blau- "Minor Characters in Megillat Esther." - click here

Remembering Rabbi Moshe Kahn z'l- Sunday, February 19th, 11:45am. Rabbi David Nachbar- "Talmud Torah D'yachid, Talmud Torah D'rabim: Teaching Individuals, Creating Community." - click here

Rememebering Rabbi Moshe Kahn z'l- Sunday, February 19th, 11:10am. Rabbi Gedalyah Berger"Moshe Rabbeinu Hakohen: The Inauguration of the Avodat Hamishkan."- click here

Remembering Rabbi Moshe Kahn z'l- Sunday, February 19th 10:35pm. Professor Nechama Price - "The Complexity of Being Different: Moshe and Yosef" - click here

Parsha Hashavua Shiur- Thursday, February 16th, 8:30pm. Rabbi Chaim Hagler.- "An Eye for an Eye; Really?"- click here

Dr. Yael Ziegler- Sunday, February 12th, 8:45am "Does Sefer Tehillim Tell a Story?" - click here

Parsha Hashavua Shiur—Thursday, February 9th, 8:30pm. Rabbi Jeremy Wieder - click here

Parsha Hashavua Shiur—Thursday, February 2nd, 8:30pm. Dr. Nathan Light “Tefilah in Tanakh: God's Kingship from Shirat Ha'Yam to our Amidah.” - click here

Parsha Hashavua Shiur—Thursday, January 12th, 8:30pm. Tzvi Berman “Yaacov’s Dream Part II: Migdal Bavel in Egypt?”  - click here

Sunday, December 26th- Rabbi Moshe Kurtz. "A License to Lie? Sugarcoating and Censorship in Jewish Education & Outreach." - click here

Sunday, December 4th- Rabbi Menachem Leibtag. “The Biblical ‘Ger”- Jew or Gentile? And Why It Makes A Difference.”- click here

Thursday, December 1st- Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Tzvi Berman. "On The Road to Haran: An Intersection of Parshanut, Linguistics, Archeology and Geography in the Interpretation of Jacob's Dream."- click here

Thursday, November 24th- Dr. Yehuda D. Galinsky, “Of Four that are One: The Evolution of Jacob ben Asher’s Four Turim.”- click here

Sunday, November 20th- Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, “Parents and Children: In This World and the Next.”- click here

Sunday, November 20th- Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Leibowitz, Pietism, Pragmatism, and Frigid Medieval Winters: The Tale of a Halakhic Innovation and its Continued Influence Today.” - click here

Thursday, November 10th- Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Rabbi Strauchler- click here

Sunday, October 2nd - Rav Michael Rosensweig - click here

Thursday, September 22nd- Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Murray Sragow, "Sodom in Nitzavim, Vayera, Neviim, and Machshava." - click here

Tuesday, September 20th- Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter Shiur, “On Feeling a Closeness to G-d: Preparing for the Yamim Noraim.” - click here

Shabbat, September 17th- Pre-Mincha Shiur, Yossi Graber- click here

Shabbat, September 10th- Pre-Mincha Shiur, Rabbi Carmi Horowitz- click here

Shabbat, September 3rd- Pre-Mincha Shiur, Rabbi Effy Unterman- click here

Shabbat, August 27th- Rabbi Dr. Barry Kislowicz- click here

Shabbat, August 20th- Dr. Nathan Light- click here

Thursday, July 21st- Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Rabbi Jonathan Ziring- click here

Shabbat, July 15th- Pre-Mincha Shiur, Zvi Jonathan Kaplan- click here

Thursday, July 14th, Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Rabbi Yehuda Halpert- click here

Shabbat, July 9th- Pre-Mincha Shiur, Yosef Gillers- click here

Monday, July 4th - Rabbi Dr. Alex Ozar - click here

Shabbat, June 11th, 2022- Amichai (Isaac) Roszler- click here

Monday, May 30th, 2022 - Dr. Kimmy Caplan - click here

Thursday, May 26th, 2022, Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Rabbi Yaakov Blau- click here

Thursday, May 12th, 2022, Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Rabbi Jeremy Wieder- click here

Sunday, May 1st, 2022, Rabbi Taragin - click here

Thursday, April 28th, 2022, Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Rabbi Mark Gottlieb- click here

Tuesday, April 12th, 2022, Rabbi Strauchler's Tenach Shiur- click here

Sunday, April 10th, 2022, Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter- click here

Shabbat, April 2nd, 2022 - Rabbi Hayyim Angel - click here

Sunday, March 27th, 2022 - Rav Gigi - click here

Sunday, March 20th, 2022, Yael Nitzanim - click here

Thursday, March 10th, 2022, Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg Shiur- click here

Thursday, March 3rd, 2022, Parshat Hashavua Shiur with Rabbi Shlomo Stochel- click here

Sunday, February 27th, 2022, Dr. Leeor Gottlieb- click here

Thursday, January 27th, 2022, Rabbi Yehoshua Katz - click here

Thursday, December 24th, 2021, Rabbi Rafael Aspir.- click here

Thursday, December 9th, 2021, Parshat Hashavua Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler.- click here

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021, Chanukah Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler.- click here

Thursday, November 25th, 2021, Mindy Schwartz Zolty. - click here

Thursday, November 18th, 2021, Parshat Hashavua Shiur with Rabbi Yaakov Blau.- click here

Thursday, November 11th, 2021, Parshat Hashavua Shiur with Rabbi Yehuda Chanales.- click here

Sunday, October 31st, 2021, Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter Shiur.- click here

Thursday, October 28th, 8:30pm, Parshat Hashavua Shiur with Rabbi Michael Taubes.- click here

Monday, October 25th, 8pm, Dr. Daniel Rynhold Shiur. - click here and click here

Shabbat, October 23rd, 4:30pm, Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Eli Cohn. - click here

Shabbat, October 16th, 4:40pm, Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Dr. Matisyahu Shulman. - click here

Shabbat, October 2nd, 5pm- Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Dr. Yakov Nagen. - click here

Thursday, September 30th, 8:30pm - Rabbi Strauchler's parsha hashavua shiur "Kayin and Hevel" - click here

Tuesday, September 21st, 5:50pm - Suzanne Cohen - click here

Sunday, September 12th, 9:30am - Rabbi Michael Rosensweig - click here

Shabbat, September 11th, 7:05pm- Rabbi Strauchler's Shabbat Shuva Drasha. - click here

Motzei Shabbat, August 28th, 11:59pm- Pre-Selichot Shiur with Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank. - click here

Thursday, August 19th, 2021- Parshat Hashavua with Rabbi Yehoshua Katz. "The Individual and National Right of the Firstborn"  - click here

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021 - Rabbanit Michelle Farber daf yomi - click here

Shabbat, July 31st, 6:40pm. Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Maccabee Avishur. “Is Color War Breakout אסור?” - click here

Thursday, July 29th, 8:45pm. Parshat Hashavua Shiur with Rabbi Jeremy Wieder. "And That Which He Did to Datan and Aviram (Deut. 9:6) - The Power of Machloket." - click here

Shabbat, July 24th, 6:45pm. Pre-Mincha Shiur with Dovid Schwartz. - click here

Thursday, July 15th, 8:45pm. Parshat Hashavua Shiur with Yossi Prager. - click here

Monday, July 5th, 8:55am. Rabbi Donny Besser. "Bentching on a :חצי כוס A Key to Galut Survival." - click here

Shabbat, July 3rd, 6:55pm. Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Scott Hoberman. “When Keeping Kosher isn’t Kosher: Limits on a Noahide’s Mitzva Observance.”- click here

Shabbat, June 26th, 6:55pm, Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Jaffe. "Did Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein Conceive of More Equal Avenues of Religious Expression for Women?" - click here

Thursday, June 24th, 8:45pm, Rabbi Tully Harcsztark- click here

Sunday, June 20th, 8pm, Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, Shev Shemateta 101 Shiur- click here

Sunday, June 13th, 10am, Rabbanit Dena Rock, Shev Shemateta 101 Shiur- click here  

Monday, May 31st, 9:30am, Rabbi Eitan Bendavid, "The Italian Rabbi Who Refused to Cover his Head:
The History and Mystery of the Kippah"
- click here

Sunday, May 30th, 10am, Rabbanit Devorah Evron's Shev Shemateta 101 Shiur- click here

Thursday, May 27th, 8:35pm, Rabbi Michael Taubes' Parshat Hashavua Shiur- click here

Sunday, May 23rd, 8pm, Tova Warburg Sinensky's Shev Shemateta 101 Shiur - click here

Sunday, May 9th, 10am- Avigail Gross Gelman's Shev Shemateta 101 Shiur- click here

Sunday, May 2nd, 8pm- Rabbi Adler's Shev Shemateta 101 Shiur- click here

Thursday, April 29th, 8pm- Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Rabbi Yehuda Halpert- click here


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784